A-II-a reuniune de proiect
Codlea-Romania, Mai 2011
In perioada 09-13.05.2011 a avut loc a doua reuniune de proiect organizata in Romania. Am gazduit 36 de persoane, adica 19 cadre didactice si 17 elevi. La aceasta reuniune s-a realizat o analiza SWOT a primului an de proiect, s-au gasit solutii pentru recuperarea intarzierilor inregistrate de toti partenerii la up-datarea site-urilor proiectului, s-au stabilit pasii pentru urmatoarea perioada, adica pana la sfarșitul lunii octombrie 2011 cand s-a stabilit urmatoarea reuniune de proiect in Polonia.
S-a hotarat de asemenea ca fiecare partener sa pregatească materiale care sa ilustreze rezultatele proiectului , materiale ce vor fi colectate de Turcia-coordonatorul proiectului, care va realiza o revista.
Au fost prezentate site-urile partenerilor, materiale video cu secvente ale activitatilor derulate si cu produsele rezultate.
Au avut loc lectii interactive de limba engleza care au ilustrat beneficiile utilizarii metodelor de predare activ-participative combinate cu cele tradiționale, avand în vedere Teoria Inteligentelor Multiple pe care se bazeaza de fapt intregul proiect.
Atelierul interactiv "Our values"-"Valorile noastre", a reunit intreaga echipa participanta la intalnirea de proiect, cadre didactice si elevi, lucrandu-se in echipe mixte din toate punctele de vedere. Elevii romani au prezentat sub forma de postere, colaje si power-point-uri in limba engleza, cunostintele, impresiile, gandurile, opiniile lor despre tarile partenere, ca rezultat al documentarii individuale si de echipa. Elevii musafiri le-au dat replica corectand si/sau completand cele prezentate. Avand suportul unor povesti /pilde traduse de catre elevi in limba engleza si ilustrate tot de catre acestia, participantii au purtat conversații si au avut loc dezbateri pe tema asemanarilor si deosebirilor dintre parteneri si valorile acestora. S-au creat si rezolvat rebusuri, anagrame, metafore utilizand limba engleza. Cand s-a ajuns in impas datorita limbii utilizate in comunicare, s-a apelat la cantec si desen, care sunt pana la urma universale. Profesorii au fost intrecuți adeseori de catre elevi!
A avut loc si o lectie de limba Engleza in care au fost promovate metode activ-participative de invatare a acestei limbi.
Au fost organizate expozitii pe holurile scolii, prezentandu-se astfel produse ale activitatilor desfasurate in scolile partenere, pentru a putea observa, compara, concluziona ……
Participantii la reuniune au fost implicati si in activitatea intitulata "Ziua Scolii", avand ocazia sa vada cum se desfasoară acest gen de activitati in scoala noastra. Au participat astfel la ateliere de lucru diverse, organizate pe discipline predate in scoala romaneasca urmand curriculum-ul national, la ateliere de lucru realizate in cadrul diverselor cercuri desfasurate in scoală (creatie literara, ecologie, pictura,etc), la demonstratii sportive si spectacole artistice, la intalniri cu parintii elevilor romani.
Conform traditiei proiectului, a fost organizat un spectacol in care fiecare partener a prezentat o sceneta in limba engleza si un scurt program folcloric.
Elevii participanti la reuniune au organizat ad-hoc un atelier de creatie rezultand o frumoasa colecție de palarii si un atelier TIC unde au facut schimb de experienta care le va folosi in realizarea site-urilor/blogurilor personale.
Elevii- musafiri ajutati de elevii- gazde au cules materiale pe tot parcursul sederii in Romania, realizand si prezentand in finalul reuniunii materiale video ce ilustreaza experienta traita-"Romania through my eyes-Romania prin ochii mei".
Autoritatile locale au apreciat importanta acestui proiect si prezenta partenerilor in scoala si comunitate, participand la o intalnire cu acestia.
Reuniunea de proiect s-a completat cu o seara folclorica româneasca, cu o serbare campeneasca si cu vizitarea regiunii Tara Barsei. Toate au impresionat prin istorie, peisaje, construcții, oameni, atmosfera si… prin verdele uimitor, de la munte, din luna mai.
Concluzia acestei reuniuni de proiect este ca am reusit sa demonstram inca o data profesionalism, ospitalitate, omenie.
Mihaela DAN
Responsabil de proiect
Scoala Generala Nr 2 Codlea
From the 9th-13th of May it took place the second project meeting organized in Romania. We hosted 36 people, 19 teachers and 17 students. At this meeting it was made a SWOT analysis of the first year of the project. We have found solutions to be on schedule with the delays which all partners had like: up-dating project sites, there were established steps for the next period, until October 2011 ,the date we fixed for our project meeting in Poland.
We also decided that each partner will prepare materials to illustrate the results of the project, the materials will be collected by Turkey, the project coordinator, who will make a magazine.
We also decided that each partner will prepare materials to illustrate the results of the project, the materials will be collected by Turkey, the project coordinator, who will make a magazine.
There were presented: partner sites, video sequences of activities performed and the handcrafts made by everybody. There were interactive lessons in English which illustrated the benefits of using active, participatory teaching methods combined with the traditional, regarding the theory of multiple inteligences that actually builds the entire project.
The interactive Workshop "Our Values" - brought together the entire project team attending the meeting, teachers and students, working in mixed teams forming and expressing different points of view. All of them building, at the end, a team and reached the same purpose. Romanian students presented posters, collages and power-points presentations in English, impressions, thoughts, opinions about the partner’s countries as a result of individual and team documentation. Students gave their guests the chance to correct and / or complete the set. With the support of stories / examples translated by students in English and illustrated by all of them, participants held conversations and debates on the similarities and differences between partners and their values. We built and solved crosswords, anagrams, metaphors using English. When we got in trouble because of language, we found something which bound us: the songs and the drawings were understood by all of us. Teachers were often ”beaten” by students!!!
Exhibitions were held in school halls, thus presenting products activities in partner schools, to observe, compare, conclude…..
The participants were involved in the work titled "School’s Day", with the opportunity to see how is undertaking such activities in our school. Though we participated in an important number of people there held: workshops organized by subjects, examples of subjects we learn in Romanian schools, the national curriculum, the workshops conducted in the various „circles” held in school (literary creation, ecology, painting, etc.), sports demonstrations and artistic performances, meetings with the Romanian parents.
There was also an English lesson promoting the modern methods to learn the English language.
As usual, all the partners have presented a special show, Poland and Romania a musical and Turkey a short drama and folkloric dances.
Our students organized handcrafts activities and ICT. They have made funny hats and try to start their personal blogs.
Romanian students helped our guests throughout their staying in Romania to collect materials/ information and they build a nice presentation called: ‘’Romania through my eyes’’.
The local authorities have categorized this project as being very important and they stated that the project has a good influence upon the students and their families and moreover they improve their speaking skills and not only. It was a meeting with the vice-primary of Codlea and with the coordinator of European project from Local Inspectorate.
The project meeting ended with the Romanian folklore evening ,with a picnic and visiting Barsa region . Everybody was impressed by history, landscapes, buildings, amazing people, the atmosphere and …by our green mountains in May.
As a conclusion of this meeting , I can say that we showed, one more time, to us and the others the humanity, hospitability and professionalism.
We were once more HUGE DESIGNERS…..
Mihaela DAN
Project coordinator
School No 2 Codlea
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