Here we are, at the last project
meeting hosted by our partner school in the village Tsarkvitsa, Schumen region,
Bulgaria. From School No. 2 Codlea, Brasov-Romania attended three teachers. We
reunited the project team in Bulgaria and our hosts were very welcoming
and eager to integrate us for three days in the small school from the forests,
in whose yard we saw playful squirrels and daily walker hedgehogs who had their
place among children. With traditional bread and salt we have welcomed by students,
accompanied by shy , curiously, interestedly , friendly smiles. We were introduced in the school life Monday, early
in the morning, making us forget the 40 kilometers in the school bus, the
teachers go daily to meet their students.
The first day continued with a
school visit, with the presentations of the teachers and students, with
questions and answers about the education system and of course about writing with
Kiril letters. Since the school was being staged in the final assessments for the
fourth grade, we talk about common issues and differences in assessment in
partner countries. We talked about school dropout situation in schools located
in areas of risk or disadvantaged school population. Only students from the
partners present at this meeting of the project were five Turkish students who
were integrated immediately and have made many friends, Tsarkvitsa being a Turkish community.
The principal of the school, Mrs.
Daniela Doikova, submitted the story of
the school from the beginning until now, familiarizing ourselves with the
personality of Hristo Botev, patron of the school, the school's cultural
rituals and with specific problems of
this community but also all the projects the school has developed over time,
results being visible.
Next....a visit to the Huge Designers-Comenius exhibition, on which
occasion we admired all Bulgarian students' work and we remembered moments and
joint achievements of these two project years.
We watched with interest the English
sketch about close friendship of colours in a rainbow , the importance of each
one and the contribution made to wholeness and beauty of the rainbow , a metaphor
of 'The Same But Different ". Children made puzzles on this issue. As usual, we had project meeting anthem, this time, Bulgarian students have
taught us the song "Heal the World", by Michael Jackson. We were
impressed with the great voice of the students in this school.
Meeting with local authorities ended
the first day experience. Hall Kozlevo is ascribed seven villages, including
Tsarkvitsa. The mayor revealed many problems in common education, but also
talked about the action taken to support school activities. Comenius project
was considered the most important school project in the area, with real
benefits for teachers participating in enriching experience regarding teaching
and for students, as European citizens. The local authorities appreciated that,
through this project, school and community Tsarkvitsa have become more visible
both in the region and at national and European level.
The second day was dedicated to
Bulgaria tourism knowledge. I visited Balchik, residence of Queen Marie of
Romania, feeling us and the wonderful Royal Botanic Garden, discovering the
history and biology in both English and another from the Black Sea. It was a
further lesson in history at Bran Castle in Romania. Then I visited Varna, with
its imposing cathedral, with souvenirs and antiques fairs that fill alleys all
parks. We stopped at the aquarium for unforgettable moments, remains impressed
by the intelligence of dolphins, their ability to communicate and work in team
... a great lesson for us! We do not know which of us was impressed: student or
teacher? Certainly adults enjoyed as a child every moment of the show.
On our way we could admire
cultivated fields, green „ocean” present even in cities, the bloom acacias and we could fill our souls with the glycines
smell enshrouded us everywhere.
Because we were staying in Schumen,
city known since the Thracians time, the
Neolithic, then known as the most important fortified city in the United
Bulgarian Middle Ages, located 20 miles south of Pliska and Veliki Preslav, the
two medieval capitals of the Bulgarian State to more than 300 years, we followed the course
of history by visiting Madara-Reservation and Archaeological and Historical
Complex National Memorial "Founders of the Bulgarian State". Madara
reserve is where life sprang from the stone back in the Neolithic, where today
you can see traces of Thracian sanctuaries, the ruins of pagan temples and Christian
churches from the ninth century, and the monasteries hidden in stone from the
sixteenth century. There is also a stone carving of a horseman, dating from the
eighth century, one of its kind in Europe, which is why Madara Horseman is the
symbol of Bulgaria in 2008 and is included in UNESCO as having inestimable
value. Memorial Complex "Founders Bulgarian State" was built to
commemorate 1300 years since the founding of the Bulgarian state, opened a
museum in 1981. It is a history in stone sculpture and triptych talking about
the Bulgarian state leaders and their rules. Here you can watch historical
documentaries, and guides can talk for hours about the history of these places.
The great monument can be seen from 30 miles away, complementing the plateau of
the Schumen Natural Park.
The third day of the project
meeting meant teachers conference and workshops
where students worked together, a show with traditional Bulgarian music and
dance and planting friendship trees in the school yard of Tsarkvista. Teachers participating in the
meeting presented a draft summary of projects in each school, and discussed the
strengths and difficulties encountered in implementing the project. Was as
final evaluation of the project. Opened a joint account for Picasa album for
uploading photos section, consideration will be given to Romania. Coordinators
discussed the final products , were distributed last tasks between partner
schools, were set last terms to compile
reports, dissemination, uploading materials to project sites, etc.. Each
partner country presented the project book.Turkey and Poland will finalize the
joint project book , Bulgaria will take care of compiling material on internal
assessments of the project and Romania will achieve final DVD project about the
4 meetings and DVD with the shooting made during the two years of development.
Meanwhile, students have worked
together in the workshop "Writing and drawing on board", illustrating
the project findings in terms of children involved.
The show attracted the entire
community, it was another occasion for
celebration. Traditional dances from all ethnographic regions of Bulgaria held
the audience breathless and have reddened hands from stormy applause. Vocal
soloists of school impressed again with
the beauty of music and vocal qualities. The traditional dances that are very
popular in Bulgaria, amazed us with the Bulgarian,
Turkish and Greek blended influences .
Were presented themed parades and dances that students bring to school on all
anniversary events. The audience asked for encores.
In order to remain a sign of our
passing through those places, a sign of our friendship and cooperation as
"huge designers," we planted trees in the schoolyard, puting on their
roots Bulgarian, Turkish, Polish and Romanian soil brought with pride by each
participant country.
Instead of goodbye before leaving
Tsarkvista, we released dozens of
colorful balloons in the air to carry on our friendship, our common memories,
these two years in the Comenius world
Mihaela Dan
Project coordinator
School No 2
„Huge Designers”
A IV-a
intalnire de proiect-Tsarkvitsa, Schumen-Bulgaria
07-09 Mai 2012
Iata-ne ajunsi si la ultima
intalnire de proiect gazduita de scoala noastra partenera din satul Tsarkvitsa,
regiunea Schumen, Bulgaria. Din partea
Scolii Generale Nr 2 Codlea, Brasov-Romania au participat trei cadre didactice. Am reintalnit echipa de
proiect din Bulgaria , foarte primitoare si dornica sa ne integreze trei zile
in scoala mica, dintre paduri, in a carei curte am zarit zilnic veverite
jucause si arici plimbareti care isi aveau locul lor binestiut printre copii.
Painea si sarea cu care ne-au intampinat elevii, insotite de zambetele timide,
curioase dar prietenoase, ne-au introdus in viata acestei scoli luni, dis-de
–dimineata, facandu-ne sa uitam de cei 40 km parcursi catre scoala cu
microbuzul care ii duce zilnic pe profesori la intalnirea cu elevii lor.
Prima zi a continuat cu vizitarea
scolii, cu prezentarea cadrelor didactice si a elevilor, cu intrebari si
raspunsuri despre sistemul de educatie si bineinteles despre scrierea cu litere
kirilice. Deoarece tocmai se desfasurau in scoala evaluarile finale pentru cls
a IV-a, s-a discutat si despre aspectele comune si diferentele in evaluare in
tarile partenere. S-a discutat si despre
situatia abandonului scolar in scolile aflate in zone de risc sau cu populatie
scolara dezavantajata. Singurii elevi din scolile partenere prezenti la aceasta
intalnire de proiect au fost cei cinci elevi turci, care s-au integrat imediat
si si-au facut multi prieteni , Tsarkvitsa fiind o comunitate turca.
Directorul scolii, doamna Daniela
Doikova, a prezentat pe larg povestea scolii, de la infiintare si pana in
prezent, familiarizandu-ne cu personalitatea lui Hristo Botev-patronul
spiritual al scolii, cu ritualurile culturale ale scolii, cu problemele
specifice acestei comunitati dar si cu
toate proiectele pe care scoala le-a desfasurat de-a lungul timpului,
rezultatele fiind vizibile.
A urmat vizitarea expozitiei Huge
Designers-Comenius, prilej cu care am admirat cu totii munca elevilor bulgari
si ne-am reamintit momentele si realizarile comune din acesti doi ani de
Am urmarit cu interes sceneta in
limba engleza despre prietenia culorilor stranse intr-un curcubeu, despre
importanta fiecareia in parte si despre aportul adus la intregirea si
frumusetea curcubeului, metafora a sintagmei „Different but the same” . Copiii
au confectionat si puzzle-uri pe aceasta tema.Ca de obicei, am avut si la
aceasta intalnire de proiect un imn-de aceasta data, elevii bulgari ne-au
invatat melodia „Heal the world”, a regretatului Michael Jackson. Am fost
impresionati de calitatile vocale deosebite ale elevilor din aceasta scoala.
Intalnirea cu autoritatile locale a
incheiat experienta acestei zile. Primaria Kozlevo are arondate sapte sate,
printre care si Tsarkvitsa. Primarul a dezvaluit multe dintre problemele
educatiei in comuna, dar a vorbit si despre actiunile intreprinse pentru
sustinerea activitatii scolilor. Proiectul Comenius a fost considerat cel mai
important proiect desfasurat de o scoala din zona, cu reale beneficii pentru
profesorii participanti in ceea ce priveste imbogatirea experientei didactice,
cat si pentru elevi, ca cetateni europeni.S-a apreciat de catre autoritatile
locale ca , prin intermediul acestui proiect , scoala si comunitatea din
Tsarkvitsa au devenit mai vizibile atat in regiune cat si la nivel national si
A doua zi a fost dedicata
cunoasterii Bulgariei turistice. Am vizitat Balcicul, resedinta Reginei Maria a
Romaniei, simtindu-ne si noi regali in minunata Gradina Botanica,
descoperind atat istoria si biologia in
limba engleza, cat si o alta fata a Marii Negre. A fost ca o continuare a
lectiei de istorie de la castelul Bran, din Romania si am fost intrebati de
colegii nostri despre alte aspecte istorice legate de Regina Maria. Apoi am
vizitat Varna, cu catedrala ei impunatoare, cu targurile de suveniruri si
antichitati ce umplu aleile tuturor parcurilor. Ne-am oprit la delfinariu
pentru clipe de neuitat, ramanand impresionati de inteligenta delfinilor, de
capacitatea acestora de a comunica si de a lucra in echipa… o adevarata lectie
pentru noi! Nu stim sigur care dintre noi
a fost mai impresionat: elevul sau profesorul? Cu siguranta adultii s-au
bucurat ca in copilarie de fiecare moment al spectacolului.
Pe drum am putut admira campurile
cultivate, oceanul de verdeata prezent
chiar si in orase, salcamii infloriti si ne-am putut umple sufletele cu mirosul
glicinelor ce ne invaluia de pretutindeni.
Deoarece am fost cazati in Schumen,
oras cunoscut inca de pe vremea tracilor, din Neolitic, apoi cunoscut ca cel
mai important oras fortificat din Regatul Bulgar in Evul Mediu, aflat la 20
kilometri distanta de Pliska si Veliki Preslav, cele doua capitale ale Statului Bulgar medieval pentru mai mult de
300 de ani, am urmat cursul istoriei vizitand Madara-Rezervatia Arheologica si
Istorica Nationala si Complexul Memorial „Founders of the Bulgarian State”.
Rezervatia Madara este locul unde viata a izvorat din piatra, demult, in
Neolitic, unde azi se pot vedea urme ale sanctuarelor trace, ale templelor
pagane dar si ruine ale bisericilor crestine din sec. IX, si ale manastirilor
ascunse in piatra din sec XIV. Tot aici se gaseste o sculptura in piatra a unui
calaret, datand din sec VIII, singura de acest gen din Europa, fapt pentru care
Madara Horseman este simbolul Bulgariei din 2008 si este inscris in patrimoniul
UNESCO ca avand o inestimabila valoare. Complexul memorial „Fondatorii statului
Bulgar” a fost construit pentru a aniversa 1300 de ani de la fondarea statului
bulgar, deschis ca muzeu in 1981. Este o istorie in piatra care vorbeste prin sculpturi si
triptice despre conducatorii statului bulgar si legiferarile acestora. Tot aici
se pot urmari documentare istorice, iar ghidul poate vorbi doritorilor ore in
sir despre istoria acestor locuri. Maretul monument se poate observa de la 30
km distanta, incununand platoul Parcului Natural Schumen.
A treia zi a intalnirii de proiect a
insemnat conferinta profesorilor, atelier comun de lucru al elevilor, un
spectacol cu muzica si dansuri traditionale bulgaresti si plantarea copaceilor
prieteniei in curtea scolii din Tsarkvista. Cadrele didactice participante la
intalnirea de proiect au prezentat un rezumat al proiectului desfasurat in
fiecare scoala, s-au discutat punctele tari si greutatile intampinate in
implementarea proiectului. S-a realizat astfel evaluarea finala a proiectului.
S-a deschis un cont comun pentru un album Picassa, pentru incarcarea
fotografiilor pe sectiuni, cont ce va fi administrat de Romania.Coordonatorii
proiectului au discutat despre produsele finale, s-au impartit ultimele sarcini
intre scolile partenere, s-au fixat ultimele termene pentru realizarea
rapoartelor, diseminarilor, incarcarea materialelor pe site-urile proiectului,
etc. Fiecare tara partenera a prezentat cartea proiectului.Turcia si Polonia
vor definitiva cartea comuna a proiectului, Bulgaria se va ocupa de compilarea
materialelor privind evaluarile interne ale proiectului, iar Romania va
definitiva realizarea dvd-ului despre cele 4 intalniri de proiect si a dvd-ului cu filmarile
realizate de fiecare scoala partenera de-a lungul activitatilor din cei doi ani
de derulare.
In acest timp, elevii au lucrat
impreuna in atelierul „Writing and drawing on board”, ilustrand concluziile
proiectului din punctul de vedere al copiilor implicati.
Spectacolul a atras intreaga
comunitate, fiind inca un prilej de sarbatoare. Dansurile traditionale din
toate zonele etnografice ale Bulgariei au tinut audienta cu sufletul la gura si
au inrosit palmele de la aplauzele furtunoase. Solistii vocali ai scolii au
impresionat din nou prin calitatile vocale si prin frumusetea muzicii populare
in care s-au impletit influentele bulgaresti cu cele turcesti si grecesti.
Ne-au fost prezentate parade si dansuri tematice pe care elevii scolii le
prezinta la toate evenimentele aniversare. S-au cerut nenumarate bis-uri …..
Pentru ca sa ramana un semn al
trecerii noastre prin acele locuri, un semn al colaborarii si al prieteniei
noastre ca si „huge designers”, am plantat copacei in curtea scolii, punand la
radacina lor pamant bulgaresc, turcesc, polonez si romanesc, pamant pe care
fiecare participant l-a adus cu mandrie din tara lui.
In loc de ramas bun, inainte de a
pleca din Tsarkvista, am dat drumul in aer zecilor de baloane multicolore care
sa poarte mai departe prietenia noastra, amintirile noastre comune, acesti doi
ani petrecuti in lumea proiectelor Comenius, ca HUGE DESIGNERS….
Mihaela Dan
Coordonator proiect
Scoala Generala Nr 2 Codlea