luni, 25 iulie 2011

Impression after first Comenius year....

One year in the Comenius project

Last year I joined the international  project Huge Designers-Comenius from my school. Nobody said that it was simple but we worked as a team, faced the problems and demonstrate that we're a special group and simply the best!
We had some problems...we're humans...but we also are Huge Designers.
This project helped me to overstep the bounds, practice my English and of course the most important thing it opened up for me new perspectives.
This project helped me to discover new cultures, to see extraordinary places and make new friends.
After a year I can say that I am proud to be a part of this project and now I can "design" a better world.

Ioana Bodeanu
8th grade

As a conclusion ..after one year of Comenius

After a year of participation in the international project Huge Designers-Comenius, I can say that I experienced the most beautiful moments of school life. It was a unique experience. This gave us many advantages , one of them , the most important, was the chance to improve our English. 
I visited  the partners countries with very beautiful places and with rich traditions, I learned a lot about the visited cities , but most important is that we made new friendships.
I would repeat this experience fondly whenever I have the oportunity.

Robert Jugaru
8th grade

After 1 year in Comenius

This year was great for me because I worked hard in this project and I visited a wonderful country-Poland. All this year I had the chance to meet wonderful people from Bulgaria, Turkey and Poland, students and their teachers.
I can not believe how quickly this year passed and I am very eager to work hard in the second year of our project.
I am feeling very confident that we will see again our colleagues from Comenius team.I want to thanks to everybody for this great year an great project and I wish you to all-GOOD LUCK!

Razvan Martinescu
6th grade

Primul an de proiect…

       Cand am aflat ca proiectul pe care l-a propus scoala noastra a fost aprobat, m-am bucurat foarte mult. Mai mult decat atat m-am bucurat si mai tare cand mi s-a propus sa lucrez in acest proiect.

Ne-am adunat, doamna Dan ne-a prezentat proiectul si temele pe care aveam de gand sa lucram si am inceput...
Dupa stabilirea grupului tinta, m-am intalnit cu elevii implicati pentru a pregati prima tema, primul spectacol pe care trebuia sa il prezentam in Turcia. Eu am fost responsabil pe partea de show, musical si sceneta. Am plecat foarte dezamagit dupa prima intalnire pentru ca am crezut ca nu am cu cine pregati acel musical creat in ton cu filmul : ‘’The Sound of Music’’. Scopul meu era sa transmitem prin acest musical ca:
  • Metodele moderne combinate cu cele traditionale dau rezultate;
  • Profesorii si elevii pot avea o relatia deosebita daca rup acel perete care a fost zidit de-a lungul anilor intre cele doua categorii de oameni mentionate mai sus;
  • Scoala si invatatul pot fi minunate, placute si interesante daca ne implicam 100%.
  • Invatarea si aprofundarea cunostiintelor de limba engleza.

Am ramas foarte surprins sa vad cat de talentati sunt elevii nostri, cat de deschisi au fost sa vina la repetitii din timpul lor liber. Parintii lor au jucat un rol foarte important in derularea acestui proiect. Dupa un an de zile pot spune cu mana pe inima ca suntem mai uniti,ca parintii au descoperit abilitati ascunse ale copiilor lor si profesorii implicati au format o echipa puternica care nu mai poate fi despartita nici macar in timpul liber.

Sunt mandru si multumit pentru ca am facut lucruri marete, si nu vreau sa fiu modest cand afirm aceste lucruri, avem niste copii, niste unelte pretioase care pot fi prelucrate frumos si pot lua o forma excelenta daca stim cum sa lucram cu ei.

Toate activitatile si intalnirile pe care le-am avut in : Turcia, Romania si Polonia au fost constructive.
Un lucru m-a impresionat foarte Polonia,(fara sa ii fi spus Ewelinei ce pregatesc cu elevii, am avut marea surpriza sa fim pe aceiasi lungime de unde. Toate aceste lucruri, intamplatoare, spun multe...fuziune, munca in echipa, o echipa unita care are ce oferi celor din jur!) tema principala a fost final noi am cantat piesa We are the world...imaginati-va urmatoarea scena: elevi, parinti, profesori tinandu-se de maini si cantand piesa. La final toti s-au imbratisat si si-au multumit reciproc pentru tot ce au facut in acest proiect. Elevii din cele 3 tari au format niste prietenii puternice. Ei continua sa comunice zilnic, in limba engleza, prin mijloacele moderne de comunicare.

Daca stam si ne uitam in urma, putem spune ca acest proiect ne-a ajutat foarte mult. Ii culegem roadele si suntem foarte incantati.

Parerea mea este ca pornim cu dreptul in al doilea an de proiect. Mai increzatori si nerabdatori sa ne intalnim cu toti partenerii in Bulgaria.

Dan Bejan-
English Teacher

The first year of the project….

       When I found out  that the proposed project by our school   was approved, I was very happy . Moreover  I enjoyed even more when I was proposed to work in this project.

We gathered, Mrs. Dan showed us the project and issues that we were going to work and we started…

After establishing the target group, I met with the students involved to prepare the first theme, the first show that it had to be presented in Turkey. I was responsible on the show, musicals and plays. I left very disappointed after the first meeting because I thought that I do not have with who to build up musical  made after the film :''The Sound of Music''. My goal was to pass through this musical as:
• Modern methods combined with traditional produce results;
• Teachers and students can have a great relationship if you break that wall that was built over the years between the two categories of people mentioned above;
• School and learning can be wonderful, enjoyable and interesting if we are involved 100%.
• Learning and improving our knowledge of English.

I was very surprised to see how talented our students are, how open they were to come to rehearsal in their spare time. Their parents played an important role in this project. After a year I can say with my hand on the heart that we are united, that parents have discovered hidden skills of their children and teachers involved have formed a strong team that can not be separated even in their  spare time.

I am proud and happy that I did great things, and I do not want to be modest when I say these things, we have some kids, some valuable tools that can be processed and can take a nice good shape if we know how to work with them.

All activities and meetings that we had in Turkey, Romania and Poland were constructive.
One thing struck me very hard ... in Poland, (without being told what I am going to  prepare with my  students Ewelina and  I had the great surprise to be on the same wavelengths. All these things, random, work team, a united team that has something to offer !) the main theme was Friendship ... the final song we sang: ‘’ We Are the World ... imagine the following scene: students, parents, teachers, taking into hands and singing. Finally all were embraced and thanked each other for what they did in this project. Students in the three countries have made some powerful friendships. They continue to communicate daily in English, by modern means of communication.

If we sit and look back, we can say that this project helped us very much. We pick the fruit and we are very pleased.

My opinion is that we start with the right in the second year of the project. More confident and eager to meet with all partners in Bulgaria.

  Dan Bejan,
English Teacher

vineri, 15 iulie 2011



S-a încheiat primul an de proiect european la Scoala Generala Nr 2 Codlea !

După o aplicație de proiect depusă oarecum în joacă, după o bineînțeleasă  mirare când a sosit aprobarea grantului, a urmat o  muncă imensă ! Elevi, profesori și părinți, toți am înțeles ca proverbul “Ai grijă ce îți dorești că s-ar putea să ți se întâmple!” are o mare greutate și un mare înțeles și în cazul nostru. Acum, după un an, putem spune :”A fost greu, a fost frumos, a fost interesant….”
E incitant când ne gândim la ce ne mai așteaptă în cel de-al doilea an de proiect! Nu putem spune că de-acum suntem specialiști. Din contră! Știm mai bine ce înseamnă standarde, echipă, comunicare, avem simț autocritic și tocmai de aceea realizăm că va fi, poate, mult mai greu. Dar suntem hotărâți să mergem înainte! Pentru că putem …am demonstrat acest lucru….

In perioada Iulie-Septembrie 2010 au avut loc activitati de informare a Consiliului profesoral, a Primariei , a comunitatii locale despre implicarea scolii intr-un proiect european Comenius. Au fost promovate: tema proiectului, obiectivele, precum  si scolile/tarile partenere.
Apoi a urmat formarea echipei. Au fost selectati atat profesorii cat si elevii ce vor desfasura activitati in acest proiect, selectia facandu-se dupa criterii bazate in primul  rand pe tema proiectului cat si pe disponibilitatea de a desfasura activitati intr-un astfel de proiect, cu tot ce presupune acesta. Au fost date chestionare atat profesorilor cat si elevilor si parintilor. S-au stabilit responsabilitatile.
Au fost create caile de comunicare atat intre scolile partenere cat si intre membrii echipei de proiect din scoala. A fost creat un grup yahoo, un site si mai tarziu un blog al proiectului.

In perioada Octombrie-Noiembrie 2010 au avut loc activitati de pregatire si inregistrare  a unor scenete, prezentari ale scolii, orasului Codlea, judetului Brasov si a Romaniei. De asemenea s-a realizat o prezentare a sistemului educational romanesc. A urmat pregatirea musicalului in limba engleza. Toate acestea au fost realizate pentru prima intalnire de proiect ce a avut loc in Ortahisar-Turcia, tara coordonatoare a acestui proiect.

După prima reuniune de proiect ce a avut loc în Turcia si despre care v-am povestit la acel moment, au urmat alte provocări:

 In perioada Ianuarie-Februarie 2011 au avut loc activități diverse cu teme ca hobby-urile, hainele, animalele, regulile de circulație, ecologia, igiena, etc, care au avut ca produse finite marionete, siluete, postere, desene, caricaturi, picturi, măști, figurine Origami, Tangram, semne rutiere, flash-cards-uri, reviste de moda, broșuri eco, broșuri turistice, broșuri cu sfaturi utile in diverse situații, toate grupate în "valiza cu engleză" -concept ce ilustrează ceva util de luat cu tine/care te ajuta sa iesi  în/din diverse situații,toate ilustrând inteligența corporal-kinestezică, muzicala, naturalista, vizual-spațială, verbal-lingvistică, intrapersonală și interpersonală.

In perioada Martie-Aprilie 2011 s-au realizat power point-uri, filmulețe de prezentare a acestor activități și produse realizate, în care s-a utilizat limba engleză, s-au împărtășit toate acestea cu partenerii de proiect via poștă tradițională și e-mail. Au fost organizate activități la care s-au folosit aceste produse -carnavaluri, parade de modă, concursuri pe temă rutieră, expoziții, târguri.

In perioada  09-13 Mai 2011 a avut loc a doua reuniune de proiect organizată  în România. Am găzduit 36 de persoane, adica 19 cadre didactice si  17 elevi. Cateva impresii de la aceasta a doua intalnire de proiect au fost prezentate aici, pe blog..

In perioada Iunie-Septembrie 2011 au avut loc activitati de diseminare a rezultatelor proiectului in ziarul local si pe site-uri specifice. A inceput construirea blogurilor elevilor. Apoi s-a trimis raportul intermediar catre ANPCDEFP.

În loc de concluzii…..

 Acest prim an de proiect a consolidat în primul rând spiritul de echipă, atât în cadrul școlii cât și între partenerii europeni, a stimulat elevii şi pe unii dintre profesori în folosirea calculatorului şi a limbii engleze în comunicare, a  trezit interesul elevilor şi a unor profesori pentru a lucra în proiecte internaţionale de parteneriat şcolar, prin găzduirea elevilor în familii a implicat mai activ  părinţii în viaţa instituţiei şcolare, a dezvoltat simţul critic şi autocritic la cei mai mulți dintre participanți, a implicat mai mult autorităţile locale în activităţile şcolii, a contribuit la creşterea prestigiului şcolii, a făcut posibile importante schimburi culturale. 
Finalizăm așadar primul an de proiect european cu mulțumirea că partenerii și  prietenii noștri au înțeles cum suntem noi cu adevărat, pe de altă parte pentru că noi am regăsit ceea ce aproape uitasem, stima de sine. Lacrimile de despărțire  precum și insistențele elevilor străini de a reveni cât mai curând în România au fost grăitoare.
Personal, ca responsabil al acestui proiect pentru echipa României, consider că încheiem acest prim an într-o notă de demnitate pe care ne-am câștigat-o încă o dată, ca dascali, ca români, ca oameni…...

 Mihaela DAN                                                 
Responsabil de proiect

Dissemination of the first year of the project  

The first year of the European Project ended at School No.2 in Codlea-Brasov.

After a project application filed in play somehow, after a surprise when the grant approval arrived, there was a huge job! Students, teachers and parents,  understood that saying “Take care to your wishes , they can come true!” It has a great weight and great meaning in our case. Now, after a year we can say: "It was hard, it was nice,it was interesting…

It's exciting when we consider what we expect in the second year of the project! We can not say that now we are specialists. On the contrary! We know better what standards, team, communication, self-criticism and we realize that it will be harder than it was! But we are determined to go ahead! Because we have demonstrated it ..

Between July-September 2010 activities were held to inform staff of the School Council, Town Hall, the local community about the school's involvement in a Comenius project and  about partners.

Then the formation team came. There were selected  teachers and students who will work in this project, as defined primarily based on the theme of the project  and their willingness to work in a European project, with all that this entails. Questionnaires were given to teachers, students and parents. Responsibilities have been established.

 Then we established communication channels between all partner schools as well as project team members in our school. It was created a yahoo group Comenius, a site and then a blog.

Between October-November 2010-There were held activities to prepare drama ,a musical, presentations of the school, town and country and a presentation about Romanian educational system. All these were made from the first project meeting  held in Orthisar-Turkey, the coordinating country in this project.

After the first project meeting which  took place in Turkey and about which I told you at that time, we had other challenges:

 Between  January-February 2011 there were held on topics different  activities, hobbies, clothes, animals, traffic rules, ecology, hygiene, etc, who had finished the puppets, figures, posters, drawings, caricatures, paintings , masks, Origami figures, Tangram, road signs, flash-cards sites, fashion magazines, brochures, eco -tourist brochures, booklets with tips in different situations, all grouped in the "suitcase with the English"-concept that illustrates something useful taken with you / to help you get to / from various situations, all illustrating the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, naturalistic,musical,visual-spatial,verbal-linguistic,intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence.

Between  March-April 2011 there were made PowerPoint's, videos presentation of these activities and products produced, English language has been used, and shared these with project partners via traditional mail, e-mail and project’s site . There were organized activities that have used these products: carnivals, fashion parade, road theme competition, exhibitions, fairs.

From the 9th-13th of May 2011 it took place during the second meeting organized project in Romania. We hosted 36 people, 19 teachers and 17 students. The impressions were presented here, on the blog.

-Between June-September 2011 was made dissemination of project results in local newspapers and on the specific sites, beginning construction activities of student’s blogs and writing and sending  the  progress Report  to ANPCDEFP.

Instead of conclusions ... ..

 This first year of the project was based on  team spirit, both within school and between European partners, has stimulated some students and teachers in using computer and English language communication has aroused the interest of students and teachers to Partnership working in international projects school students by hosting families actively involved parents in the life of the school developed critical sense and self-critical to most participants, the local authorities more involved in school activities, contributed to increased the prestige of the  school and  made possible some significant cultural exchanges.

Thus complete the first year with satisfaction for our European project partners and our friends understood how we really are, on the other hand, because we found , which was almost forgotten, self-esteem. Tears of parting and the insistence of the foreign students in coming back to Romania were there vividly and obvious .    Personally, as a team leader for the Romanian team, I believe that  we conclude this first year in a note of dignity which we won it , as teachers, as a Romanian, as people ... ...

Mihaela Dan,
