vineri, 6 mai 2011
1.The e-Twinning disemination
-Popularization of E-twinning project activities undertaken in partnership among the pupils' parents and the local community (invited teachers from other schools, representatives of City Hall)
- to highlight the results embodied in the final products of European projects
• LET'S VISIT THROUGH ... PUPPETS! (MARIONETTES) project founded by Ms. Instit. Catalina Velişcu and Prof. Ms. Simona Ciobanu and a partner school from Turkey, meaning an online exchange of puppets from all schools participating focusing on exchanging local customs and traditions.
• CHOOSE A HEALTHY LIFE project founded by Prof. Ms. Simona Ciobanu and Miss inst. Catalina Velişcu in collaboration with a similar school from Turkey, involved practical activities (recipes, healthy eating), interviews on topics related to adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Products resulting from the operation of the two projects were presented as a selling exhibition (being and volunteering week-EXPOVOLUNTARIADA ), the proceeds being directed to a group of underprivileged children.
2. ”Little eTwinning" - presentation of wiki "Friendship4all" -2nd grade B & Mrs. Mihaela Dan
• Products of the fourteen eTwinning projects of 2nd grade B were displayed on boards in the classroom and in school hallways., the class wiki was presented using internet and ICT.
3. "Five o'clock tea"- session of presentations, discussions for students, parents, teachers, neighbors, friends .... not directly involved in the project or in school activities
-Popularization among participants about LLP Programme, Comenius project and Huge Designers project
• Students who participated in the project activities had the opportunity to share their experience to other , have had the opportunity to expres what means participating in a European project and what influence can have personal involvement in the formation of student. Students presented informations about the partner countries-power point presentations, collages, folk tales, folk songs , products received by post from partner countries.
• Mrs Mihaela Dan talked about the objectives of LLP Programme, eTwinning as accompanying Comenius measure and about the present Comenius project of the school .
3. Comenius exhibition in school
4. Comenius exhibition on the Hall corridors
Aim :-To promote Comenius project "Huge designers" in the local community
5. " Huge designers & actors" live-presentation of the new musical untitled "Learning English through modern methods," inspired by "Aristocats" cartoon.
Aim: To demonstrate the improve English skills as a result of project activities and for rehearsal for 2nd Comenius project meeting.
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